My Anything Blog
(pinned) 10/8/24 Genesis
Hello world, it's Yui. This is the main page of my site, the Anything Blog. As the name implies, anything goes. The purpose is to take snapshots of myself in times of inspiration. I won't write if I'm not inspired, no? Inspiration can come from anywhere, I know this quite well. I hope to document my findings here.
For my first post, let me detail what you can find on this site. At the top you can see links to my various attractions. PokéZone contains my teams I use on Showdown. Bonk is the title I use for my music projects. SGO stands for Scary Game October, my ongoing challenge to play a new horror game every day of October. These are also documented on Youtube. The other two are self explanitory(?)
Oh, also take note of the music player at the top. It shuffles through my favorite songs from the past few years. I think it breaks if you click on a different page though.
Well, that's all I've got for now. Thank you for visiting. Come again another day, hopefully I'll keep updating this page!
10/2/2023 Showdown with Morty
Shorter blog post today. I decided to try out Pokémon Crystal for the very first time. And, to make the experience even better, I wanted to look for a quality-of-life, sort of “improvement” romhack. I ended up going with Polished Crystal, specifically the 3.0.0 beta. So far, I’m getting my ass kicked.
I have a hazy memory of Johto from playing Heart Gold as a kid, so I was pretty lost in the early game. Thankfully, just by stumbling around and talking to NPCs, I made my way to Morty, the 3rd gym leader. Along the way there, I had been catching and raising lots of Pokémon. My current lineup would be my starter Frank the Croconaw, a Zubat, a Dunsparce, Heracles the Heracross, and a just-now-evolved Gyarados. Unfortunately, this team has some notable weaknesses.
Morty has a Gengar, which outspeeds everything AND it has Thunderbolt, which half my team is weak to. Luckily, I can switch into Dunsparce, which gains the Ground typing in this hack. I’ll just use Bulldoze and… Gengar still has Levitate, not Cursed Body?? Gengar then puts me to sleep with Hypnosis and sweeps the rest of my team.
A few tries later, I decide to train up an Abra I caught earlier. I hoped it might outspeed as a Kadabra and OHKO it with Psybeam. During this grinding process, my Zubat evolved all the way into a Crobat! Look at little buddy go! Right before I challenge Morty again, I put a Chesto Berry on Dunsparce, just in case Hypnosis lands again.
Battle starts off strong; I trade Gyarados for his Haunter and out comes Gengar. I send in Dunsparce to take the Thunderbolt and set up Defense Curl. I get lucky and dodge two Hypnosis during the first two Rollout turns. Then, Hypnosis hits and I wake up with the Chesto Berry; Rollout kills Gengar…
Then, Noctowl comes out! Rollout is still going and destroys that fuck-ass owl. Misdreavus comes out last and Dunsparce doesn’t quite get the kill—then it goes down. Our plucky Crobat swoops in with the revenge kill and saves the day!
This hack has been a lot of fun so far, and this battle was so frustrating and intense I just had to share. There’s a shitload of cool new features added, mostly stuff you’d expect to see in the modern games. Phys/Special split, Abilities, Reusable TMs, etc. The level scaling is supposed to smoothly curve up to level 100 apparently! I wonder how the battle with Red will turn out…
EDIT: Crobat just swept the ENTIRE Fighting gym… lfg
9/6/2023 Favorite Locations in Pokemon
I just saw on my YouTube recommended a video by Hazel titled “my favorite places in Pokemon.” I thought maybe I should share some of my own in a blog post, so here we are now.
In my first Pokémon game ever—Platinum—I always found myself around Solaceon Town. There was always so much to do there! The daycare, maybe go into the ruins and collect more Unown, go up north to the cafe, or even go underground. I loved the music for this area too; Route 209, 215, and Solaceon all had banger music. When I was a kid, I would always start playing and stop playing here. In between, I’d fly somewhere else to do who knows what, but I’d always come back before logging off.
Also in Gen 4, there was Heart Gold & Soul Silver. You already know I was ALWAYS at the Pokeathalon as a kid. Those games were fun as hell; I even ruined my DS’ touch screen due to excess gaming. Though, I don’t even remember where exactly it is located. Like, maybe around Goldenrod? I don’t know.
In Black and White, I don’t know. I guess I’d say N’s castle was a really cool final area to go through. I mean, it literally blew up out of the ground; that’s cool as shit. I also quite liked Unity Tower, that place you can get to through Castelia. It was fun seeing all the people I traded with on the GTS, filling up the floors as I went.
In the sequels, I loved Virbank City, specifically Roxie’s gym. She’s my favorite girl ever, and her gym is so cool; it’s just like the shows I play. Just like me for real. Also, the music and aesthetics are off the charts here as well! I also enjoyed Castelia Sewers. Isn’t that sort of a weird place to put in a Pokémon game? That’s why I like it.
By far the best place in Kalos is Laverre City and Route 14 leading up to it. The fall aesthetic is just so pretty, and I’m also in love with Valerie the gym leader and her cute dollhouse gym. Just a beautiful bit of game right here. Route 15 is also pretty cool too, with the haunted run-down hotel place.
For Sun & Moon, I gotta shout out pretty much all of Ula Ula Island. It’s just like Solaceon to me—so much cool stuff to do around there. Malie City, Mount Hokulani, erm, the Pokémon league?? Don’t even get me started on Po Town—second coolest set piece ever in a Pokémon game.
Yeah, second coolest in comparison to the BEST most AWESOMEST location in Pokémon—the Distortion World. Yeah, that shit was cool as fuck. Upside down waterfall climbing, bitch!!! The music is so haunting, and then right at the end there’s the showdown with Giratina… And then it’s over! The worst part is that I wish there were more. Imagine the Pokémon you could find there! Maybe we will return at a later date in the series? Who knows!
Now, I’m going to finish watching Hazel’s video and compare our favorites.
Okay, I’m partway through and she brings up snow in the Sinnoh region. Oh my god, I love the snow routes in Platinum so much. The music is phenomenal, the atmosphere is amazing, and when you finally get to Snowpoint, you can really “chill” out and relax and just watch the snow fall. Back home in Illinois, I’d play through these routes during snow days to be fully immersed in the game.
Another banger Hazel mentioned: the Pokéwalker! Dude, that little gadget was so sick; I don’t even care if the functionality was lame, it was just cool to have Pokémon anywhere I wanted to go. I wish Pokémon GO had any ounce of soul put into it so I could have that same feeling as I did with my Pokéwalker.
Anyways, that’s all for today. Go watch Hazel’s video here.
8/22/23 – Abyssal Ruins Investigation
Today I’m going to figure out what’s up with the Abyssal Ruins from Pokemon Black & White. I want to figure out how it’s connected to Relic Castle and the lore implications of that. For now, I’ll give a brief summary of what the hell this place even is:
The Abyssal Ruins lie below the ocean, just off the coast of Undella Town. Using a pokemon with dive, you can swim down and look around inside. Within, there is a maze with strange symbols on the walls and treasure strewn about. Eventually, a torrent of water will kick you out after 500 steps.
That’s a lot to unpack. First, let’s look at the treasures you can find inside. A full set of Arceus plates, Relic coins of various values, Relic artifacts, and even a Relic Crown found on the top floor. The Relic items immediately bring to mind Relic Castle–a different location in Unova just off of Route 4. Let’s look at what Bulbapedia has to say about Relic Castle:
The Relic Castle is the ruins of a city built by one of the twin heroes and his corresponding dragon and are said to have been the heart of a civilization for people and Pokémon in the Unova region. The civilization dates back to at least 2,500 years ago, at which point it was at its peak.
It appears that Relic Castle is the ruins of an ancient city from 2,500 years ago. If Relic Gold, and even a Relic Crown can be found in the Abyssal Ruins, that could mean both places were made around the same time? In addition, the quote says Relic Castle was founded by one of the brothers. I bet Abyssal Ruins was founded by the other one! More on that later, for now let’s discuss the symbols on the walls of the maze.
The symbols are nearly indecipherable. Most of them correspond to an English letter, but there’s even more decoding you have to do after that and like, who the hell even figured this out y’know? Luckily, if you’re playing Black & White 2, Zinzolin will give you an item to translate the symbols into English characters in the post-game. Either way, you’re best off looking up the translations online.
Speaking of, let’s talk about the translations. On the first floor, there are lots of messages about this virtuous king, and some directions to get to the next floor. On that next floor are some laws, or some sort of ideals that people should abide by. Next up are some more of those sayings, but more directed towards the king himself. On the last floor, there are descriptions of the King’s achievements, which are actually the most intriguing part here:
- King defeated
joined King in a day.
- King called
- King is hope and future.
- The great King
What the fuck??? Those symbols can’t be translated, and appear to be some sort of hieroglyphs or something. The first one looks like a stick figure–it could be that the King defeated another human, maybe his brother? The second symbol I don’t quite have the read on. If something joined the King it would probably be a Pokémon, or maybe even a human. Next symbol looks like a fish, but that’s probably supposed to represent a Pokémon. The phrase likely means that the King acknowledged Pokémon as sentient creatures–maybe a parallel to the plot of Black and White? I’m thinking the ancient King may share some connection to a king in the modern era: N.
Here’s some real fringe theory shit I found on that same article about that last undecipherable symbol. In the document Zinzolin gives you, that symbol is translated to ●●●●●●●●. In Japanese, it shows as ●●●●●. That likely means there’s an actual word buried under the obfuscation, as all the other languages have differing dots as well.
One word that works here is “Harmonia,” N and Ghetsis’ last name. This makes sense, as both N and the King were, well, kings. And, they both teamed up with one of the dragons. This must mean N is a direct descendant of one of the twin heroes, and explains why N is one of the heroes in the modern era. So, how about that other hero? During the story of Black and White, it’s assumed that N and the player character are the new twin heroes of Unova, and they both fight using their respective dragons to see whose ideology comes out on top–just like the legend from 2,500 years ago. With all of this evidence mounting, is there any proof of some sort of ancestor to the player character hidden within Relic Castle?
Inside Relic Castle are: Pokémon fossils, TMs, a couple sun stones, another maze, and a Volcarona at the end of it. Notably, there is a lack of Relic themed items within Relic Castle. Most interesting though, is an item that used to be here, but was later moved into the Nacrene City Museum–the Dark/Light stone (depending on what version you’re playing). The stones contain Zekrom and Reshiram respectively, but this is most important because it proves one of the twin heroes and his dragon lived in Relic Castle all those years ago like the quote earlier said!
But, there’s still no Relic items in Relic Castle, what gives? Look, I’m going to speculate heavily here so bear with me. King Harmonia and his society had the same beliefs as N–people separate from Pokémon. So, their ruins were filled with people things such as money and crowns. The other kingdom believed people should work together with Pokémon, and that’s why you can find Pokémon related items there. Actually, you can’t find ANY Pokémon in Abyssal Ruins, but there are loads of ‘em in Relic Castle!
One last interesting point. According to the inscriptions in the ruins, King Harmonia defeated his brother. Maybe that’s why Relic Castle is in disrepair, while Abyssal Ruins is standing strong? Listen to this, in the history of Unova in Bulbapedia, it says neither of the brothers won, and Unova was destroyed in the fight. Interesting stuff to chew on, maybe I’ll look at it again some other time.